Vanilla Maple Jade ingredient benefits


Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world after water. Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, including the super potent catechins, flavonoids and polyphenols. The sheer density of nutrients in the tea leaf make it a powerful superfood. Matcha is especially beneficial because the entire leaf is consumed instead of a mere infusion, increasing nutrient intake by a factor of hundreds! Tea consumption has been scientifically associated with cancer prevention, improved memory, reduced inflammation, reduced blood pressure, reduced heard disease risk, lowered cholesterol, higher bone density, and improved memory. In addition to all that, tea is delicious, brightens your eyes and its mild, slow releasing caffein content puts a lift in your step, while its L-theanine calms and centers you. Our blends feature organic, high altitude shade grown matcha green tea.

Coconut Milk is packed with nutrients and a wonderful rich taste. Additionally, it contains a healthy fat called lauric acid known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and therefore prevent heart attack and stroke. It is a great source of manganese, copper, phosphorus, iron, potassium and magnesium. It is also great for brain health, as a source of energy for exercise and is actually considered a fat burning food! Coconut milk is great for digestion, reduces and prevents ulcers, helps manage blood sugar and controls diabetes. It is also anti-inflammatory and great for joint health. Our blends feature organic dried coconut milk. 

Maple syrup crystals are pure, unprocessed, and have a significantly lower glycemic index compared to cane sugar. Maple crystals are also loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as polyphenols. Some nutrients found in it include potassium, manganese, zinc, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Our blend features organic evaporated maple syrup.

Vanilla is an amazing tropical orchid which produces a highly aromatic pod, which when fermented to perfection, results in the intoxicating pure vanilla SAKU uses in this blend. In addition to its incredible taste and aroma, vanilla packs a powerful nutritional punch! Vanilla is loaded with potent antioxidants and has known antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Vanilla has also been found to reduce depression, anxiety, and to improve mood. Also, vanilla has been shown to help reduce cholesterol. Our blend features pure, whole organic ground vanilla pods. 

This information has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA.  Our products are designed primarily to be delicious and nourishing. They are intended to support general wellbeing and are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure any condition or disease. If you have health conditions, please seek advice from your medical doctor or naturopath.